
Teamdash, every recruiter’s best ally

From RecruitLab to Teamdash: the design and development process of a new brand identity and website

Project Management, Web Design, UX/UI, Rebranding, Brand Identity, Front-End Development, Back-End Development


Teamdash is a recruitment software that offers a comprehensive platform to streamline the entire hiring process for recruiters. With its efficient design and advertising tools, the software empowers recruiters to find candidates, conduct interviews, and foster team collaboration seamlessly.

Looking to expand its presence in the competitive UK market, the company initiated a comprehensive rebranding process involving a name change and a complete overhaul of their website and branding.

Another factor in the decision to rebrand arose from the presence of another company with the same name operating in a similar field. Recognizing the potential confusion among potential clients and the risk of diluting their brand investments, Teamdash opted for a fresh identity. 

Furthermore, with plans to broaden the product’s functionalities beyond recruitment-related features, they sought a new name to reflect this vision. The essence of the newly designed brand was to exude vibrancy, and playfulness, and resonate with their mission of making recruiters happier in their daily work.

For the task of designing and developing their new brand and website, Teamdash turned to us, seeking to present an optimistic, human-centric image that would stand out in the recruitment software market and depart from the conventional B2B norms in the industry.


Teamdash reached out to us with two primary objectives – a new brand identity and a website that aligns with it. The project kicked off at the end of last year when the client had just started the process of finding a new name. Though the client managed the name selection process, we still provided support and suggestions for testing different options. 

Teamdash had a bold vision of standing out in the recruitment software market. The client emphasized the importance of infusing the branding with a sense of humanity, joy, and differentiation from the conservative norms of the industry. A visually appealing brand and website was their ultimate goal.

Initially, the project aimed for swift results, but the gravity of the name change necessitated a more deliberate approach, resulting in extended timelines. However, this additional time allowed for well-considered decisions, which ultimately led to more refined design choices in Teamdash’s new identity.

Collaborating with Teamdash proved to be a dynamic and efficient experience, as they placed significant trust in our expertise, allowing us the freedom to make some of the decisions on our own. Their responsiveness was commendable, always ready to contribute and engage in the entire process.

The rebranding process was successfully concluded in April, followed by the finalization of the new website in July. While the project as such has been completed, there are ongoing tasks to address the client’s ever-evolving needs around the new website.


One of the primary challenges encountered during the project was navigating through multiple decision-makers on the client’s side. This occasionally led to communication complexities and decision-making delays.

Additionally, it’s always tricky when new stakeholders are added to the project after initial decisions have been made. In the perfect world, it’s always a good idea to have the marketing and SEO specialists onboard from the very beginning. Due to their expertise in the respective fields, their input is highly valuable for the planning stages of the project. This way a lot of re-planning and extra costs can be avoided. But of course, we understand that it’s not always possible.

The decision to change the company name presented another significant challenge, necessitating careful consideration, including consultations with regulatory bodies to secure trademark rights. This process took longer than anticipated and required adjustments to the project timeline.

From a technical standpoint, one of the most significant challenges was implementing the star elements and colorful blobs throughout the website. These blobs followed specific rules but also had an element of randomness, such as animations and chaotic placements. Ensuring consistent behavior across different screen sizes, including mobile responsiveness, added complexity to the task.


  • Teamdash successfully underwent a comprehensive rebranding, including a name change and a freshly designed brand identity.
  • A new corporate visual identity (CVI) was created, reflecting Teamdash's vibrant and playful nature.
  • A brand-new website was launched, featuring the new branding elements and delivering a pleasant and optimistic user experience.
  • Despite encountering challenges during the project, collaboration with the client was highly efficient and resulted in a successful outcome.

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